What are ENNOVI CellConnect-Round Plates?
Previously, we’ve discussed the components, functions, and manufacturing of electric vehicle batteries. However, some elements of the EV battery pack design must be highlighted, namely EV battery interconnect or cell contacting system plates. This article discusses battery interconnects and how they function, with a specific focus on the ENNOVI CellConnect-Round interconnect system. What are EV […]
How are electric vehicle batteries manufactured? Understanding the assembly process
When people talk about the electric vehicle battery, they often fail to consider the beauty of its design. EV battery design does not end with just each individual cell, but its entirety– how the cells are combined so that overall battery output is capable of powering an entire electric vehicle. In order to do so, […]
Electric vehicle battery current collectors assembly (CCA & CCS)
By this time, you may already have ample knowledge about electric vehicle batteries, in particular, lithium-ion batteries which are prevalent in EVs today. But there’s another term you may have encountered: “current collector”. What is a current collector? In this section we will tackle EV battery current collectors assembly from definition to function. What are […]
Laminated busbars: What are they and how are they used?
Busbars have been dubbed as the “backbone” of many power applications today. It’s a no-brainer then that busbars are also being used with electric vehicle batteries. As EV batteries generate electricity, a battery busbar efficiently distributes the current flows between the elements within an EV’s systems and subsystems. Its structure is also important in terms […]
Electric vehicle battery busbars
What are electric vehicle battery busbars? In previous articles, we dove deep into discussions on EV batteries: their unique design, how they are manufactured, and how they work in your electric vehicle. We have described them as the “heart” of an electric car. If the battery is the heart, then busbars can be likened to […]
Electric vehicle battery modules and packs
Most EV owners can’t truly appreciate the amazing technologies of EV batteries. Some even make the mistake in thinking that the EV battery pack inside their car is just a single battery, when in reality, it actually consists of a number of individual cells. But that is the beauty of EV battery design. It is […]
What are the components in an electric vehicle battery?
Electric vehicle batteries have been called the “heart” of EVs due to its vital function of distributing electrical power to the various systems of an electric car. It also has the capability of storing energy for your next drive. EV batteries are just as complex as the human heart. You cannot just define EV battery […]
Lithium-ion electric vehicle batteries: what are they and how do they work?
As the “heart” of an electric vehicle, an EV battery distributes electrical energy needed to power the car, but also serves as a storage system for this same energy. As such, EV batteries need to possess a number of key characteristics; among them are having high voltage and charge storage. The current drive for “green” […]
How long do electric vehicle batteries last?
Among current and prospective electric vehicle owners, one of the questions most asked is, “How long does an EV battery last?” This is a very good question to ask, given the valid worry of shelling out $10,000 (the current cost of a battery pack) to replace one or buy a new electric vehicle. This article […]
What are the different types of electric vehicle batteries?
Batteries have become a part of our daily lives, powering the things we need to get through each day smoothly. These include TV remotes, smart gadgets, kitchen appliances, and even traditional combustion engines of vehicles. Today, who would have thought that electric vehicle (EV) batteries would be developed that can make an entire car run! […]