Code of Business Conduct


The ENNOVI Code of Business Conduct (“Code”) is an important component of how we put our values into practice. It is founded upon our belief that, as a company, we are most successful when we show values of integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct in our workplace, with our partners, and in our community.

As a global leader in our industry, we hold all employees to high standards of ethics and integrity. Our continued success requires our commitment and discipline in ensuring that those high standards are embraced in all that we do, both in the workplace and in our community.

This Code outlines our values and expectations for our employees, including our directors and officers (“Company Personnel”). We expect Company Personnel to thoroughly read this document and understand it. It is here for you to incorporate into your work at ENNOVI. It is also in place so that you know the resources available if you need support, have a question, or wish to make a report regarding unethical conduct within our company.


This Code applies to all Company Personnel.

Our Values

We are committed to acting with integrity–it is the right thing to do, protects our company, and allows us to fulfill our obligations to our stakeholders. We believe that how we achieve our success is equally as important as success itself.

Manager Responsibility When a Concern Is Reported to Them:

Managers must promptly address any concerns brought to their attention and, report them in accordance with our whistleblowing policy. If a manager neglects or fails to address an issue escalated by an employee, they may be subject to disciplinary action. If necessary, you can contact the Legal Department for assistance.

Failure to Comply

Company Personnel who violate or fail to comply with this Code or any matters addressed in this Code may face disciplinary action, including and up to termination of employment.


We do not tolerate retaliation, harassment, or victimization against anyone who raises a concern in good faith about a violation of this Code or assists with an investigation. Any Company Personnel found to have retaliated shall be subject to disciplinary action, including and up to termination of employment.

Our Code of Business Conduct Is Organized into Four Sections:

I. Our Business

We are committed to complying with all laws and regulations, whether local, national, or regional, that apply to our company. Violations of these laws can result in significant harm to our company, including financial penalties, criminal proceedings, and damage to our business relationships and reputation. Therefore, we must be familiar with and follow the applicable laws and company policies.

II. Our People

As a global organization with employees from all over the world, we value and celebrate the rich and diverse culture they bring to our company. We believe in a company atmosphere of fairness, equal opportunity, and mutual respect.

III. Protecting Our Assets

IV. Our Community

We abide by laws that apply to our business in everything we do. We are mindful of how we conduct ourselves and its impact on our work environment and surrounding community.

Any Questions?

If you have questions regarding anything in this Code or want to report a concern, please speak with your line manager or Human Resources representative. If that is not an option, you may contact any of the following representatives:
You may also report a concern through our Ethicspoint whistleblowing hotline or web intake site at:
Last updated: 30 October 2024