Global Human Rights Policy

ENNOVI is committed to respecting and advancing human rights. As a global enterprise, we aim to create a positive impact as part of our social commitment. We are committed to upholding the fundamental human rights of all people, not only through our own business activities but throughout our supply chain.

Our Commitment to Human Rights

Our Global Human Rights Policy establishes our overarching commitment to respect human rights. It serves to outline the values and principles that underpin this commitment and guides our approach to upholding fundamental human rights. This includes identifying, monitoring, and mitigating human rights risks, providing effective and appropriate access to remedies when required, and publicly reporting on our performance.

Our approach to respecting human rights is grounded in international human rights standards including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and United Nations Global Compact, of which ENNOVI is a signatory. We are committed to upholding all internationally recognized human rights, as established in the International Bill of Human Rights (comprising the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We also support the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In all our areas of operation, we are committed to complying with all applicable national and local laws and regulations. In cases where there are conflicting requirements, we seek to adhere to applicable local laws while striving to uphold the principles of international standards.

Our Global Human Rights Policy has been approved by the Chief Executive Officer.


This Global Human Rights Policy applies to all ENNOVI business operations worldwide as well as our entire supply chain. Our commitment to respecting human rights covers all our stakeholders, including ENNOVI employees, contractors, suppliers, and any other business partners.

Our Policy Commitments

This Global Human Rights Policy applies to all ENNOVI business operations worldwide as well as our entire supply chain. Our commitment to respecting human rights covers all our stakeholders, including ENNOVI employees, contractors, suppliers, and any other business partners.

Our Approach to Human Rights

ENNOVI is committed to ensuring the continuous monitoring and improvement of our human rights management system, to prevent and address human rights risks wherever possible. As part of this commitment, we conduct due diligence and implement preventive measures. In cases where risks are not effectively and timely mitigated, we have a robust grievance mechanism in place to identify such violations and ensure appropriate remediation is provided to affected stakeholders.